Cemetery List


R. Knight Cemetery Deceased

Name RelationsBirthDate of deathAgeVet StatusMarkerMarker ConditionNotes

Alonzo Jellerson|Son of David/Hannah12/16/192580Marble base is cracked 6/94

Hannah C. Jellerson|Wife of David12/31/188977Marble sound

Abbie A. Knight|Daughter of Rufus/Mary09/27/185014 mosMarble cleaned/leveled 6/94

Alvin Knight|04/12/190691Marble sound

Eunice Knight|Wife of Nathaniel Knight0Marble 2 pieces cemented in ground 6/94

Mary Knight|Wife of Rufus03/04/186341Marble sound

Nancy W. Knight|Wife of Alvin5/24/190381Other sound

Nathaniel Knight|0Revolut.No markings look in Frost Book

Rufus Knight|03/04/186364CivilMarble recemented 6/94