Cemetery List


Johnston Cemetery Deceased

Name RelationsBirthDate of deathAgeVet StatusMarkerMarker ConditionNotes

Abner F. Hill|09/04/186666

Sarah C. Hill|Daughter Abner/Patience03/15/184916

Frances A. Hobsom|Wife of Joseph12/31/185120

Daniel Johnston|April 186766

Frank H. Johnston|04/21/188636

George P. Johnston|Son Hiram/Sarah02/27/185320

Hiram Johnston|04/13/189185

James F. Johnston|son Hiram/Sarah01/02/18494

James Lt. Johnston|08/18/184784Civil

Olive Johnston|wife of Lt. James08/23/184879

Sally P. Johnston|Wife of Hiram08/30/188879

Ella Stone|Daughter Frank/Georgia09/06/18731

Frank R. Stone|5/20/191781

Georgia A. Stone|Wife of Frank1/12/192582