Cemetery List


Hill/Cook Cemetery Deceased

Name RelationsBirthDate of deathAgeVet StatusMarkerMarker ConditionNotes

Abigail Cook|Wife of John Cook08/14/182976Slate elaborate urn sketch repaired 7/96

Abigail Cook|09/04/185170Marble clear but worn

Elizabeth G. Cook|Daughter William/Hannah12/28/18214Marble straightened 7/96

Hannah Cook|Wife of William Cook03/05/183748Slate recemented 7/96

Hezekiah Cook|09/01/183949Marble clear but worn

John Cook|09/17/184155CivilMarble double headstone repaired 7/96

John Cook|09/01/182170Slate straightened 7/96

Mary Cook|Wife of John CookJan. 185972Marble double headstone with John Cook

Mercy Cook|09/02/185273Marble repaired 7/96

Peace Cook|Wife of Hezekiah Cook01/23/187885Marble mostly deciph.

S. Cook|0CivilMarble marker S.C.

Sarah Cook|Wife of Capt. W. Cook01/02/189283Marble?

Sophia Cook|Wife of Sylvester Cook09/23/187259Marble with scroll recemented 7/96

Sylvester Cook|Jan. 1896?80Granite/Marble with flower carvings

William A. Cook|son of Sylvester/Sarah07/26/186221Marble

William Capt. D. Cook|Father06/04/187178CivilMarble clear but worn

Hannah E. Hill|Wife of MarkJan. 1920?78Marble on same stone with husb

Mark L. Hill|Husband of HannahJan. 1924?86Marble clean but worn

Abby Jellison|Wife of James Cook08/23/186239Marble clear but worn

Sarah O. Sherburne|Wife of Jacob Sherburne06/07/186136Marble badly Broken

Alice Taylor|Wife of Daniel Taylor05/04/183269Slate leaning forward 7/96

Coffin Taylor|11/15/185159Sandstone in sound condition

Daniel Taylor|03/26/183684Slate ret'd to ground next to wife 7/96

James C. Tracy|Son of F/Sylvia Tracy09/14/185211 mosMarble straightened 7/96

James C. Tracy|Son of F/Sylvia Tracy05/16/18562Marble repaired 7/96